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Our Robots




Team 2590 Nemesis is proud to present our 2024 Robot “Kronos”!

View our 2024 Impact video!

Kronos is equipped with a swerve drive capable of moving the robot at speeds up to 15.5 feet per second. This combined with its compact and space efficient parameters of 24” x 29” x 24.7”  allows Kronos to gracefully cycle across the field. 

Kronos’ roller intake is made up of a series of aluminum custom made rollers, belted together in a row which guide the note into the robot and off to the handoff point. These rollers are mounted upon custom turned and threaded screws which engage 3D printed pulleys that securely attach to and drive the rollers. The system contains diverter plates (also 3D printed) and wheels which divert the note to the center of the system, despite the intake being the full width of the robot. The intake system also contains a camera which is used to detect notes and allow the robot to automatically face a note. 

Kronos’ double flywheel shooter receives the note at the handoff point. From there the note is fed into the shooter, with wheels on the top and bottom of the note accelerating it forwards. The chamber-shooter-diverter system is mounted onto a shoulder, which allows the entire system to pivot to a specific angle which allows the robot to accurately land a shot in the speaker. April tags are detected by another camera mounted on the front of the robot, which allows the shoulder system to automatically snap to the correct angle based on where it is in relation to the april tag. 

Kronos’ climber mechanism is made up of a chain-sprocket system which pulls down a custom made hook down from the top of the height of the robot, to nearly Kronos’ bellypan. This allows the robot to climb high enough off the ground without tipping, to score in the trap. It does this in the same way it does for the amp, where the shoulder system pivots upwards and forces the note downwards into the trap door. 

Kronos is also equipped with a very wide variety of auton paths, including many different combinations of notes from near the speaker and from the center of the field, for both alliance colors. Kronos is able to intake and score up to 5 notes in a single auton period.

Additionally, Kronos is wired using a standard Daisy chain. However, the robot is also equipped with a CANAVORE CAN loop, connecting all critical motors to a faster CAN loop system, which ends with a terminating resistor. Various 3D printed parts, from Karkan “Nemesis” caps to custom connector shields, are used to improve the reliability of the electrical systems which are found throughout the Kronos.

Kronos will be competing in the Hatboro-Horsham and Montgomery competitions in the FIRST Mid-Atlantic Region this year.




Team 2590 Nemesis is proud to present our 2023 robot "Jynx"

Check out our Chairman’s Video!

Jynx showcases Nemesis's relentless drive to improve. The robot features a swerve drive, the first in the team's history, which enables the robot to quickly traverse the field with agility and precision. It also features an efficient and robust elevator, simplifying the scoring process and helping keep cycle times short. However, after encountering major errors in the original vacuum oriented design, the end-effector and arm on the robot went through significant  changes between weeks 1 and 2 to accommodate newfound challenges in the game. After the switch from the original vacuum design, Jynx premiered at our hometown event with a brand new roller claw, equipped with a wrist that could move up and down, as well as separate intake zones specifically tailored to each game piece. Jynx went on to become an alliance captain at Mid-Atlantic Regional Championship and saw great success at the World Championship, winning the Daly Division and becoming finalists on Einstein with our alliance partners.




Team 2590 Nemesis is proud to present our 2022 Robot "Iris"

Check our our Chairman's Video!




Team 2590 Nemesis is proud to present our 2020 Robot “Hades”

Check our our Chairman's Video!




Team 2590 Nemesis is proud to present our 2019 Robot “Gaia”

Check out our Chairman's Video!

Gaia’s singular cascading elevating sports an arm capable of manipulating cargo and hatch panels. The elevator is capable of going through the robot, with an assisting arm that allows the robot to reach the Level 3 HAB

Gaia’s six-wheel West Coast drivetrain allows for swift maneuverability around the field. She can reach a top speed of 16 ft/s in high gear and 6 ft/s in low gear. While in high gear, the robot quickly traverses the field. Gaia places game pieces more effectively in low gear due to the opportunity for fine directional adjustments.

Gaia’s two-stage continuous elevator lifts the carriage to a maximum height of 84 inches, allowing for cargo and hatch placement on both the cargo ship and all three levels of the rocket. Powered by a single NEO motor with a 7.4:1 ratio, the elevator rises to its maximum height in approximately 2.67 seconds.

The carriage is Gaia’s scoring mechanism, containing both the cargo and hatch manipulators. The hatch manipulator is composed of two small arms controlled by pistons, which facilitates retrieval from the human player station. The C-shaped cargo manipulator, situated underneath the hatch manipulator, maintains a firm grip on the cargo. Mecanum wheels are used to center the cargo into the middle of the manipulator to increase surface area for intake. The entire carriage system articulates 180 degrees into the robot to comply with pre-match frame perimeters and supports defensive play.

In the final thirty seconds of the match, Gaia’s inner stage of the continuous elevator drops down to lift her up to Habitat Levels 2 and 3. The carriage moves upward and locks onto the hooks on top of the inner stage of the elevator. The inner stage is pushed downward through the cutout in the belly pan. A dual-wheel arm geared to lift 250 pounds rests on the HAB to act as a counterbalance. Once above the level, the Stealth wheels on the ends of the arm pull Gaia forward until the drivetrain makes contact with the HAB and the center of mass is on the chosen level.

Written by Rahul Sawant




Team 2590 Nemesis is proud to present our 2018 Robot “Fury

Check out our Chairman's Video!

With a dual elevator system and a triple climb, Nemesis has unleashed the beast with its 2018 competition robot, Fury. Victorious at the Mid-Atlantic Championship and the Indiana Robotics Invitational, Nemesis is excited to compete in the 2018 challenge, Power Up.

Featuring a six wheel West Coast Drive, Fury drifts around the field with four colson wheels and two omni-directional wheels in the back. Powered by two custom gearboxes, the robot is capable of reaching up to 19 feet per second. A dog shifter with a neutral gear state allows the drivetrain gearbox to shift seamlessly to power the climber.

Powered by two 775pro motors, Fury’s auto-centering intake retrieves and discharges power cubes quickly and efficiently. Each mounted on an independently acting arm, the four Banebots wheels capture and eject power cubes. With all arms tensioned inwards with flexible rubber tubing, each provides friction against the cube while conforming to any orientation. Two infrared proximity sensors also detect the cube’s distance from each corner. If the game piece is at an angle, the returned values tell each side of the intake to speed up or slow down, centering the cube efficiently.

Fury’s two-stage cascading elevator lifts the intake to a maximum height of 7.5 feet, allowing cube placement on either the scale or the switch. Powered by a single mini-CIM, at a 7.4:1 ratio, the elevator rises to its maximum height in only 1.25 seconds. Motion profiling then provides smooth acceleration and deceleration.

In collaboration with Picatinny Arsenal, steel wings carry two other robots with minimal deflection. The trapezoidal profile provides maximum rigidity allowing for pocketing techniques to minimize weight.

Before the wings drop and alliance partners drive on, Fury raises its climber. Modeled after a common gate-latch, the climber rams into the bottom of the rung, forcing the latch open. Once fully encased, a torsion spring closes the system on the rung. Geared for over 1400 lbs, the two drivetrain gearboxes then shift to power the climber, utilizing their power take off ability. At the same time, a ratchet is automatically deployed, preventing backdrive. All of this culminates to a triple climb as Fury hoists itself and its partners to victory.

Fury will be competing at Hatboro-Horsham, Bridgewater, and the Hudson Valley Regional.

Thanks to our sponsors: Robbinsville High School, NAVAIR, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Department of Defense Stem, CCL Label, Lockheed Martin, Nordson, Picatinny Arsenal, New York Society of Cosmetic Chemists, Robbinsville Education Association, RAS Process Equipment, Princeton Sports & Family Med, Investors Foundation, Sharbell Development Corp., Robbinsville Education Foundation, Designtree, EAG, Gilbane Inc., Computer Components Corp., NorthStar Vets, Skylink Technology Inc., Triangle Copy, Coldwell Banker, and all Nemesis Friends and Family.

Written by: Dahany Choi & Mariko McMurtry

Drive TeamDahany Choi, Mariko McMurtry, Jared Miller, Alex Keller



Team 2590 Nemesis is proud to present our 2017 Robot “Eris

Check out our Chairman's Video!

Nemesis’ 2017 robot Eris features an articulating intake, climber, gear manipulator, and a triple flywheel shooter. The intake consists of compliant and mecanum wheels that utilize the bumper to center the balls into a hopper. Four urethane belts on the intake pull the balls into the hopper which is all belted and powered by a versaplanetary gearbox. The hopper is designed to hold 50 balls and consistently feed balls into the shooters.

The drivetrain is powered by two modified VEXPro ball shifters, run by two CIM motors each. Capable of 6 feet per second for fine adjustments and pushing matches and 14 feet per second for cross-field runs and high agility. Shifting is controlled by pneumatic pistons for seamless transition between gear states.

Eris’ intake is an over-the-bumper style intake. Actuated by two pneumatic pistons and powered by a single 775pro motor, the intake glides just above the height of the balls, sweeping up fuel with ease.

Powered by two 775pros belted 3:1, Eris’ shooter fires at a rapid and consistent rate. The three shooter wheels are urethane rollers that compress the ball ½ inch. Static at a fixed 87 degrees, the shooter is optimized for shooting from a few specific locations.

A shaft wrapped in double hook velcro powered by two 775pros allow for a swift three second climb. A reversible ratcheting wrench prevents backdrive and easy detachment from the rope.

The Gear manipulator employs two pneumatic powered pistons that actuate wings that keep and release the game piece. A slot exists to enable quick cycles from the human player station to the airship.

Implementing autonomous scripting allows Eris to choose from multiple different autonomous routines. The adjustable and diverse range of autonomous actions make Eris the perfect fit for any alliance.

Eris will be competing at Hatboro-Horsham, Springside Chestnut Hill, and Montreal.

Thanks to our sponsors: 
Robbinsville High School, NAVAIR, Department of Defense Stem, CCL Label, Knowledgent, Nordson, Leidos, New York Society of Cosmetic Chemists, Robbinsville Education Association, RAS Process Equipment, Princeton Sports & Family Med, Investors Foundation, Sharbell Development Corp., Robbinsville Education Foundation, Gilbane Inc., Designtree, NorthStar Vets, Skylink Technology Inc., Triangle Copy, Coldwell Banker, and all Nemesis Friends and Family.

Written by: Dahany Choi




Team 2590 Nemesis is proud to present our 2016 Robot "Daedalus"

Check our our Chairman's Video!

Nemesis’ 2016 robot Daedalus features an articulating intake and flywheel shooter inspired by Team 1114, Simbotics. The intake wraps around the bumper and collects boulders from the field via three polyurethane rollers. The ball is centered using two bent Lexan plates. Two custom gearboxes powered by a miniCIM apiece control the angle of intake to assist in crossing the Portcullis and Cheval De Frise. The geometry of the intake forms a wedge designed to help traverse the remaining defenses.

The flywheel shooter utilizes two 4” Colson Wheels powered by a miniCIM and uses an adjustable hood to change the angle of the shot. Using a camera, Daedalus recognizes the vision target on the goals to determine distance to target. This allows Nemesis to control the angle of the hood and the shooter speed to consistently score from any location in the courtyard.

Implementing autonomous scripting allows Daedalus to choose from multiple different autonomous routines. The adjustable and diverse range of autonomous actions make Daedalus the perfect fit for any alliance.

Daedalus won the Hatboro Horsham District competition and the team is looking forward to compete at the Seneca District, and South Florida Regional.

Thanks to our sponsors:
Robbinsville High School, NAVAIR, New York Society of Cosmetic Chemists, Bristol-Myers Squibb, CCL Label, Lockheed Martin, Investors Foundation, Siemens, Robbinsville Education Association, RAS Process Equipment, Evans Analytical Group, Princeton Sports & Family Med, McGraw-Hill Financial, Carfaro Railing, Robbinsville Education Foundation, Gilbane Inc., DesignTree, Northstar Vets, SRI International, Triangle Copy, Coldwell Banker, GrabCAD, and all Nemesis Friends and Family.

Written by: Parth Mandrekar




Team 2590 Nemesis is proud to present our 2015 Robot "Calypso"

Check out our Chairman's Video!

Electrified by our Einstein field appearance at the 2014 World Championship in St. Louis, the team is back and ready to compete with Calypso for the 2015 challenge, “Recycle Rush”.  

Early in the build season, the team took advantage of our 2011 competition robot, “The Beach Cruiser”, and used its elevator to test intake prototypes. This prototype included an indexer that can flex out, grab totes of both long and wide orientations.  Providing the best results during testing, “The Beach Cruiser”’s intake prototype was selected to become the prominent element of Calypso.

Due to the importance of stacking and maneuvering in “Recycle Rush”, Calypso is strategically designed to be a  lifting mechanism featuring an agile drivetrain. Additionally, with an open frame design, Calypso  maintains a safe center of gravity as it makes tote stacks of varying heights. Calypso is capable creating a 6 tote stack topped with a recycling can in approximately 30 seconds.

Written by : Jolia Thadal




Bellerophon features an articulating claw and linear shooter inspired by Team 1114, Simbotics’ 2008 robot and Team 233, The Pink Team’s 2008 robot. The claw lowers to floor height to collect balls from the field and lifts up to shoot into the goal or over the truss. A custom worm gearbox powered by a miniCIM drives controls the claw’s angle and a gas shock counterbalances the arm. The adjustable angle gives Nemesis large strategic versatility and allows Bellerophon to fit into any alliance.

Drive TeamJosh Falk, Antonio Papa, Christian Gavalchin



Team Nemesis is back at it again, but this time, we did things a little differently. For the first time in Nemesis history, the team used CAD software to help design every part and subsystem integration. With the help of new sponsors and a CNC mill, we were able to use nearly all custom parts, and to top it all off, we even had time for a quick powder coating!

After a long and very busy six weeks, Nemesis proudly presents their 2013 robot, Athena. Athena was designed to be simple and effective. She is comprised of a strong drive-system, reliable floor intake, simple hopper, accurate shooter, fast climber, and an intelligent-control system.

The drivetrain is powered by two modified VEXPro ball shifters, run by two CIM motors each. Athena is capable of a speeds of 5 feet per second for fine adjustments and pushing matches, and 15 feet per second for cross-field runs and quick agility. Shifting is controlled by pneumatic pistons for seamless transition between gear states.

Drive TeamJosh Falk, Antonio Papa, Dan Gavrushenko



”Prince,” named after the team’s CEO Eric Principato, will be competing in district and regional FIRST Robotics competitions culminating in what the team hopes will be a strong showing in the 2012 National Championship in St. Louis.

The FIRST Robotics challenge for this year is called “The Rebound Rumble,” a competition that requires the students’ robot to earn points by shooting basketballs into hoops of varying heights inside an arena. The students need to work with their team and in alliances and “coopertition” with other teams for maximum points.

The robot, which has a shooter, a rotating turret and a conveyor, uses a camera to locate the basketball hoop’s backboard, calculate the distance of the shot, set the appropriate speed and then fire the ball into the hoop at a 50-degree angle.

Excerpt from "Robotics Team Ready to 'Rumble' "
Written by Rachel Lavery, Special Writer
This article appeared in the Messenger-Press on Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Reflections on 2012 Rebound Rumble and the World Championship
Written by Eric Principato

As I enter the St. Louis Convention Center for the first time on Thursday morning, the magnitude of the event is overwhelming. Teams yelling “Robot! Make way” are heading to the competition field, a few teams are carrying toolboxes to the pits, and a group of students sporting Mohawks are heading to the stands. I head to the pits to meet up with my team and enter a sea of 400 FRC teams and at least as many FTC and FLL teams. The morning is spent in the pits checking all robot systems, deploying new code, and running practice matches. We have our first qualification matches that day.

The next morning every team heads into the stands of the Edward Jones Dome for opening ceremonies. The scale of the competition is enormous with four division fields and a champions’ field occupying the floor of the dome. Bright lights glare down onto the fields and walkways between fields are empty of their usual robot traffic. Dean Kamen, an inventor and the founder of FIRST, steps up onto a stage at one end of the stadium. He speaks about the future of the country, the need for a new generation of engineers and scientists who will create new wealth, and the role of FIRST in doing so. He is not an extraordinary speaker, but the gravity of his speech and the conviction in his eyes are compelling. He ends his speech and the stadium erupts into cheers, then exits to prepare for the upcoming matches.

Competition is intense; between matches the pit crew changes the battery, scouts compile match data of teams, the drive team—which I am part of — talks about strategy with other teams for the upcoming match, and the robot gets tested on the practice field. Then it is time to queue and we roll the robot cart out to the Archimedes division field. Our robot has to endure nine qualification matches and then either be in the top eight teams or be selected by one of the top eight teams to advance to division eliminations. Because the matches consist of alliances of three robots, a total of 24 will make it to eliminations.

The matches are fast-paced, only 2 minutes and 15 seconds long, and our team does well. However, during some matches the robot misses shots and afterwards we take time on the practice field to recalibrate. Meanwhile the scouting team is recording match data and will later compile a list of teams to pick or to try to be picked by. Later in the day, the judges walk by. I tell the technical judges about every aspect of the robot: the drive train, the conveyor, the turret, the camera target tracking, and the dashboard. They are very interested in our tracking system and targeting display. At the same time, the marketing and finance teams explain to the business judges that our team is run like a high-tech startup and hand out copies of the business plan.

All day long the pits are a sea of multicolored shirts; team members walk around the pits to get a look at the perfectly machined robots of some of the elite teams, underclassmen stop at pits to collect pins that teams hand out, mascots are escorted around by a couple team members, and robot carts roll through aisles on their way to the dome.

By the end of Friday, we are all exhausted, but there is still more work to do at the hotel. The scouts, senior team members, and a couple of mentors file into my room to log the day’s scouting data into a Google Doc. It is clear who the elite teams are, and though we are not one of them we are a consistent scorer and have a chance to go far in the competition. Later, after a fun pillow fight I go to sleep; tomorrow is going to be a long day.

On Saturday morning we have our last two qualification matches. Strong performances — especially in the last match—propel our team to sixth place, not bad for a field of 100 teams. After our team realizes this we scramble to finalize the pick list. Then the announcer calls the top eight teams onto the field and I walk on to represent Nemesis. The top teams pick each other and when it comes my turn to pick our top pick is still available. I select team 1218, our friends from Pennsylvania. They had a couple tough breaks that kept them out of the top eight and they are a steal for the sixth pick. As the draft serpentines around, I talk with 1218’s representative and we decide on 2851, a team with decent autonomous, good defense, and the ability to triple balance.

The draft ends and I look at our quarterfinal opponents; one of them is last year’s world champion. Despite this we think we can win because the rest of the alliance isn’t as strong. I walk off the field and head back to the pits to help the pit crew bring the robot, batteries, and tools to the field. Once the double elimination matches start there will be no time to go back to the pits.

Eventually our match is on and I am finally behind the glass waiting to drive. The announcer introduces our team and our section of the stands erupts into cheers. “Three, two, one, GO!” The match starts and our team pulls ahead by a huge lead. The best robot on the other team is not working and we win handily. For the second match however, the robot is fixed and the other alliance wins by one point; it’s onto a third deciding match. Our team wins by a solid margin, breathes a sigh of relief, and prepares for the semifinals.

Our whole alliance knows how tough these next matches will be. We are against the second-seed alliance, which consists of two of the best robots in the world. Our whole alliance puts in our best effort, and despite triple balancing—a feat not many robots have completed—we cannot overcome the offensive power of these teams. They defeat us and go on to win the division.

Our team is satisfied with a solid performance, making it farther than we ever have before, and heads to the stands to watch the Einstein field of division champions. The matches are exciting, and when they are over confetti fills the air to celebrate the winners. Though we didn’t win, our team feels like winners. And I realize that is what FIRST is about: not winning or losing, but learning and celebrating technology and engineering.

Drive TeamEric Principato, Matt Schwartz, Chris Banziger

The Beach Cruiser


Poseidon the Beach Cruiser is Nemesis 2590’s fourth-generation robot, debuting in the 2011 competition — Logomotion.  The Beach Cruiser glided across the field on its maneuverable mecanum wheels. Featuring a towering lift, Poseidon crushed the competition in the New Jersey and Washington DC regionals.  Originally using window motors, the lift reached its maximum height in eight seconds.

Following the DC competition, the robot was enhanced with Fisher-Price motors allowing it to extend to its maximum height in only three seconds.  The spline hubs for this new design were taken from a Barbie Beach Cruiser, hence the name. Pneumatics made their first appearance in Nemesis robotics history. Poseidon utilized pneumatics in its arm, claw, and minibot deployment systems.

Poseidon the Beach Cruiser carried on its back the jewel of the game — the minibot. The minibot used an unconventional scissor design to climb the pole in under four seconds. Scoring the team a maximum of 30 points every game, the minibot was integral to victory in Logomotion.




The 2010 GM Industrial Design Award winner is the most sophisticated robot created by Team Nemesis to date.  Andy’s mecanum wheels were a challenge to the team — maybe even a nightmare. After realizing that the code samples posted on the Internet were flat out wrong, the intellect kicked in. Armed with sharp heads for math, physics and mad programming skills, the programmers started from scratch to perfect the algorithm that gave Andy the muscle, agility and speed to be a strong performer in any position on the soccer field.

Short, squat and compact, Andy could zip through the tunnels from zone-to-zone, playing defense, midfield or attack, adapting as needed. Too powerful for its own good, Andy’s spring loaded kicker would periodically tear itself apart during practice. In competition, Andy’s flexible design and powerful kick allowed him to finesse a ball into the goal, or punch one across the entire field of play into the net.

Andy is a blast to drive, a terror on the field and a true legacy to the FIRST spirit that embodies Andy Borowski.




Sheldon, named after TV physicist Sheldon Cooper of The Big Bang Theory, is 2590’s second robot and made his first appearance in Lunacy. The slippery robot (not by choice) features a vertical conveyor belt used to collect moon rocks and super-cells. Once collected the balls enter a large and intimidating hopper which then opens its mouth full of sharp teeth and spits balls into opposing teams’ trailers. Sheldon is extremely efficient at collecting moon rocks and just as efficient at shooting them. However, everybody has their flaws and for Sheldon it is his slippery feet — don’t bring the subject up around him, it’s a very sensitive subject. Maybe, just maybe he can one day get a foot transplant and drive on Earth again, with traction.

Drive TeamAndy Borowski, Blaine Zaffos, Peter Wolfe

The Rookie


The Rookie was Nemesis's very first robot, built by its founding team members in 2008 for the challenge, Overdrive. Featuring a simple herder and a tall mechanism designed to knock the large trackballs positioned above the field down, the Rookie's strengths were its speed, agile drive team, and reliable autonomous mode. Overdrive was the first FIRST challenge to feature an autonomous mode, which helped level the playing field for the fledgling team. Able to score an immense amount of points at the beginning of the match by knocking down the majority of the game pieces while zipping around the track, the robot continued to be a valuable asset to its alliance by outmanuvering more complicated robots and amassing an impressive number of laps. 

This earned it 2nd place at the NJ Regionals and ultimately a place at Nationals and the Fantasy FIRST National Rookie of the Year award.

The Rookie was also shown at the World Science Fair in NYCS and the Museum of Contemporary Science.

Drive TeamMark Panes, Blaine Zaffos, Peter Wolfe