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MAR Rank13
Drive Team Artyom Alekseyev, Shawnak Jadhav, Nathaniel Lonarkar, Jeevan Sailesh, Anna Polavarapu

Hatboro-Horsham District Impact Award

Montgomery District Quality Award

Curie Division Winner

Team 2590 Nemesis is proud to present our 2024 Robot “Kronos”!

View our 2024 Impact video!

Kronos is equipped with a swerve drive capable of moving the robot at speeds up to 15.5 feet per second. This combined with its compact and space efficient parameters of 24” x 29” x 24.7”  allows Kronos to gracefully cycle across the field. 

Kronos’ roller intake is made up of a series of aluminum custom made rollers, belted together in a row which guide the note into the robot and off to the handoff point. These rollers are mounted upon custom turned and threaded screws which engage 3D printed pulleys that securely attach to and drive the rollers. The system contains diverter plates (also 3D printed) and wheels which divert the note to the center of the system, despite the intake being the full width of the robot. The intake system also contains a camera which is used to detect notes and allow the robot to automatically face a note. 

Kronos’ double flywheel shooter receives the note at the handoff point. From there the note is fed into the shooter, with wheels on the top and bottom of the note accelerating it forwards. The chamber-shooter-diverter system is mounted onto a shoulder, which allows the entire system to pivot to a specific angle which allows the robot to accurately land a shot in the speaker. April tags are detected by another camera mounted on the front of the robot, which allows the shoulder system to automatically snap to the correct angle based on where it is in relation to the april tag. 

Kronos’ climber mechanism is made up of a chain-sprocket system which pulls down a custom made hook down from the top of the height of the robot, to nearly Kronos’ bellypan. This allows the robot to climb high enough off the ground without tipping, to score in the trap. It does this in the same way it does for the amp, where the shoulder system pivots upwards and forces the note downwards into the trap door. 

Kronos is also equipped with a very wide variety of auton paths, including many different combinations of notes from near the speaker and from the center of the field, for both alliance colors. Kronos is able to intake and score up to 5 notes in a single auton period.

Additionally, Kronos is wired using a standard Daisy chain. However, the robot is also equipped with a CANAVORE CAN loop, connecting all critical motors to a faster CAN loop system, which ends with a terminating resistor. Various 3D printed parts, from Karkan “Nemesis” caps to custom connector shields, are used to improve the reliability of the electrical systems which are found throughout the Kronos.

Kronos will be competing in the Hatboro-Horsham and Montgomery competitions in the FIRST Mid-Atlantic Region this year.

The Challenge


This year's challenge was Crescendo!